Alexandra released her newest shawl design today. I was lucky enough to test knit it for her. It was such a fun knit, never boring, because of the color changes, and also the stitch pattern changes. It's well written. The only thing I find hard, when knitting
Alexandra's patterns is coming up with a color combo, and not copying her. I LOVE her color choices, and hardly ever can one improve on that. She must like the same colors as I do. :o)

So, here's Misae! I know, I know, my color choice seems to remind a bit of Christmas, but I really love the colors together, so there, I don't care. Besides, I have enough shawls to wear throughout the year, so I can wear this around Christmas time, if I want to. ;o) I came up with several color combos for this shawl, but this one won, because just looking at it relaxed me, and made me smile.

Argh, there are so many white dog hairs on it. I was blocking it in the dining room, and many inquiring doggy noses came by to see if I did a good job, and they were shedding all over it. Sigh.

Misae by Alexandra Wiedmayer
yarn: Patons Kroy socks (black), Spritely Goods Naiad - Absinthe (green), The Copper Corgi Fiber Studio - Bloody 'hell (red)
size: 92" x 24" or 233cm x 60cm
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